Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A little inspiration on this Tuesday.

Hey y'all,

You know how I said I was going to make this blog a little bit of inspiration for us all? Okay, maybe I didn't say those exact words, but that's what I'm hoping this blog will become.

Anyway, since it is still January, I figure I can still talk about resolutions, right? We haven't become lost causes yet, right? I'm assuming you said right to that, so I'm going to keep going with this. One of my resolutions this year is to be more active, and to stay in shape. Yes, I can hear you all saying, "here we go again, with this staying in shape mumbo jumbo", but I'm trying here.

My two friends and I have recently gotten into the "active craze" as I'm dubbing it, and I just got an email this morning from one of the apps that I installed on my phone a while back, called Charity Miles. This isn't a lecture about staying active, and walking all the time, because let's face it, it's freaking cold outside! This is a post about a saying in the email that got me thinking: Walk with a cause in your heart. Everyday. Corny I know, but think about it, what if we did everything with a cause in our hearts? Might inspire us a little bit, don't you think? Yes, I know, I'm being a bit idealistic here, but hey, that's what I do. So, today, try to do things with a cause or purpose in your heart. And who knows, it might help.

Oh and here's a little motivation for today, in case you need a little extra. Until next time.

Peace out,
Len 😀

Sunday, January 8, 2017

The Simple Life.

Hey y'all,

I was at mass the other day (meaning Monday), and the priest spoke to us about John the Baptist living "the simple life". He was perfectly fine with doing his thing, and living in Jesus' shadow a little bit. And this message got me thinking, "how many of us are content with living in someone else's shadow?" Not too many, I wouldn't think. In our society, it's very much stressed that we be the big shots all the time In our society, it's very much stressed that we be the big shots all the time, and be our own person. I know I'm like this quite a bit, I want to be the person that makes things happen, who wants to change the world. But you know, maybe, and I'm learning this slowly, I need to start with right where I am, and go from there. This is a bit of a spiritual post (if you hadn't already figured that out), because my faith puts me at ease, and makes it easier for me to be who I am. And maybe let someone else have the spotlight, every now and then. 
So anyway, living simply. How do we go about this? I mean, we could just get rid of everything that we own, and live like hobos, but are we ready for this? Most likely not. But we could start with giving things away that we don't use anymore, and trying to downsize a little bit. I know this has been my goal for quite a while now, and I'm still working on it. I have a little paper on my dresser mirror that says "If it doesn't nourish your soul, then get rid of it." Now that might be a little dramatic, but I'm still trying to abide by it. And I can't help but think of Gilmore Girls, and Emily Gilmore saying, "I should get rid of it if it doesn't bring me joy." Now, the person who advised her turned out to be a kook, but still. doesn't that sound like a good way to live? Within reason, we can't get rid of taxes and bills, but shouldn't everything that surrounds us give us joy? Just something to think about. I'm one of those weird people who wants to have all of her belongings fit in a backpack, but yet doesn't want to stop shopping.  
Remember how I was talking about just taking problems one step at a time. Well, there is a prayer that resonates with me, and I'm going to share it here. It's called the Serenity Prayer, and hopefully it'll help y'all like it helps me.  

 Peace out, 
Len 😎 

Monday, January 2, 2017

2017 musings (in other words, my thoughts)

Hey y'all,

When coming up with this blog, I've been thinking about the many (many) things that I want to cover. Basically, as silly and corny as it may sound, I really do want to try to make this community a more positive place, and I want to spotlight that people who are doing that very thing on a day-to-day basis.

But anyway, reflections for 2017. It seems kinda obligatory, but there are some things that I want to do better in the coming year. For one thing, I do want to be more healthy, and more active. For another thing, I want to be more organized, which for me, is no small feat. I'm one of those people who says that they're going to do something, then promptly forgets about it. So, on the topic of reflections and resolutions, I want to bring up a few ideas and organizations out there that have really helped me lately.

Bullet journals: I just found out about bullet journals a few months ago, and I was really interested. I still don't fully know what they are, mine is very bare-boned. Basically, I make myself a calendar in my journal (or notebook, as I call mine), and fill in my day-to-day activities (like volunteering and pet-sitting). Very basic. Then, I do a daily to-do list, and put in more things as they come into my head. I also like to put little boxes next to all of my tasks, and put checkmarks when I've completed things. It makes me feel very accomplished. My favorite part is decorating my "notebook" though. I get cute stickers, or just cut out pictures, and stick 'em in. This journaling has been very helpful for me, so I hope it will be for you as well. I'll include some pictures of mine at the bottom of this posting if any of y'all are interested as well.

Thrift stores: I'm a big fan of thrift stores, if there's anything that you should know about me. I especially like In Full Swing in Doylestown (or dtown, if you're a local), mostly because I volunteer there (hint hint, come visit me!). But yeah, if you're like me, and concerned about where your clothes come from. Plus, they benefit A Woman's Place, a domestic violence prevention organization. But anyway, I'll stop tooting their horn now. But seriously, check out thrift stores. They are great, and you can really find one of a kind things there.

As promised, pictures of my bullet "notebook" in case any of you want to make yourself one.

Daily to-do list
 Monthly calendar
I need to customize everything

Peace out,
Len 😏