Sunday, September 24, 2017


During our orientation in August, Amy (one of the head honchos at C.A.P.) challenged us with a word for our year at C.A.P. Can you guess what the word was?

(Hint hint, wink, wink, it's uncomfortable)

A pretty interesting and thought-provoking statement that was. Considering that in the weeks leading up to me going to Kentucky for a year, I was a little nervous. More than a little nervous; some might say I was freaking out. I was already uncomfortable when I got here, I knew no one, knew about three things about Kentucky (bourbon, the derby, KFC), and had a little bit of an idea of what I was getting into, but not too much. So, learning that I was supposed to and even challenged to feel this way for a year, and to potentially embrace it? Haha well, I wasn't too big of a fan.

But, she had a good point. Even in the month since I've been here, I've done many things that I would consider as "uncomfortable". Going up to flatrock, and shimmying (and I mean shimmying) between rocks to get up to a top which if you didn't watch it, you might fall to your death (scary stuff, especially for someone who isn't too big a fan of heights). Jumping into a van with only your cellular device, and going shopping with housemates that you've only just met (that story will probably go around for a while). Going on so many spontaneous car trips after only minutes (sometimes seconds) of deliberation, and making up taco puns to exchange at the drive-thru window (if only I could remember them now). Contra dancing, with little-to-no prior dancing experience, and trying not to get dizzy from all the twirling around.

It doesn't help that I seem to have social anxiety, though I suppose I've had that for years, but didn't know it. But the biggest challenge? Being at the food pantry, and shopping with a participant who has had a tough life, and you have no idea how to respond. Considering that for me, stepping up to help a participant can be a challenge; I always think that it'll go badly somehow, though I don't know it could. But, getting bear-hugged on the first day by a participant was pretty sweet. And when you can give recipe advice out, that's pretty swell too.

What's that quote again? "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." We should all keep that in mind.

'til next time, be kind to everyone, and have courage.

Peace out,
Len 😎

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