Monday, September 4, 2017

Is Kentucky turning me country?

Nah, I wouldn't go that far. Am I a bigger fan of country music now? Well yes, but that's been coming for a few years now. Am I developing more of a country twang? I've only been here two weeks, but I'd like to think so (I've always loved Southern accents).

But this post is more about taking time to step into another person's shoes. This past weekend, my housemates and I went to the Red, White, and Boom country music festival, and all I have to say is "Yee-Haw"! Just kidding, though that was a big part of it. I also have a much higher tolerance for feet ache, haha. It just really fun, listening to country music, some new artists, and remembering again why I love country music. It's about story-telling, hearing how people ended up where they are; the struggles, the heartache, and the pride they have for where they come from. At the end of the day, don't we all have that?

Me, I grew up in the suburbs, but that doesn't define me. I say that I'm from Philly (or at least I had), but that isn't true either. I didn't have the idyllic childhood, and you know what? That's okay, because my upbringing made me into the person that I am today. And I am proud: I came from a little town in Pennsylvania called New Britain (and yes, I know that there are New Britain's everywhere but this one is my town). I grew up in the suburbs, in a place that doesn't have a cute-sy story behind it, but it does have a post office. And a shopping center, where I discovered a thrift store that though it changed locations, it's still a second home to me. It has a park called peace valley which was a refuge when things got crazy at home. But the most important thing? I grew up in a very close-knit family (my immediate family), and though we aren't perfect, there's nothing I'd change for the world. Yeah, depression sucks, and so does anxiety, but (and I know this phrase is so over-used) what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Remember how I was talking about country music and the country lifestyle? Well, I'm not an expert by any means, but for me, country means taking your life for what it is, and being proud of it, no matter where you come from. That's it from me for right now, later y'all.

Be kind to everyone, and in turn, have courage,
Len 😎

A few photos from me, a New Britainian

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