Sunday, August 13, 2017

Day One

I never really know what I'm going to write until I write it ( makes sense, huh? 😋), so here goes nothing.

For the past few weeks, as going to CAP became more real and more overwhelming, I've been going into what I call "freak-out mode". Basically, I didn't want to leave my life behind, and start something new. It's like they say, "life begins at the end of your comfort zone." But, who the heck wants to leave something called a comfort zone? So, I started trying to hang out with people like crazy, spending time with my family (love y'all!), and try not to think about doing something that absolutely terrified me. I even contemplated applying to Temple, which sounded really sweet at the time (and still kinda does, to be honest). Anyway, I did it. I'm here. Whoop whoop! what?

And that my friends, is where I'm at currently. I already unpacked, did that as soon as I could (check out the lovely pics at the end of the post, please and thank you 😎), but now I have all this free time. At least, until dinner, and then tomorrow, when real life starts. It's just weird right now, having all this quiet, all this "me" time. What is a girl to do? I guess I'm just gonna try to keep figuring that out; doing all the stuff that I've been putting off until a later time. 

Welcome to this adventure with me! We'll see where CAP takes me. TTFN, ta ta for now. 

Peace out,


  1. Nice writing style, maybe you could be an author too! Room looks good :-) I'm glad that you got to church and that it was a welcoming experience. We were similarly welcomed at the parish we attended in Bridgeport, WV.

  2. Thank you so much! It was such a welcoming experience, and it felt like such a community setting. Who is this, if you don't mind me asking. :)
