Sunday, August 27, 2017

So, what am I doing in Kentucky again?

Long Story Alert!

I figure most people are wondering exactly what I'm doing in Kentucky and why. So here's the story:

Once upon a time...

Just kidding. 😋 Ever since high school, I've been wanting to do some sort of service project. At one point, I was even considering the navy. I quickly ruled that out, at least for the time being; not being interested in going into combat, but just wanting to join the humanitarian effort. I wanted to join the PeaceCorps instead (anything with peace in the title, I'm most likely going to go for it), and I actually made decent headway on the application before my mom suggested that I look into the AmeriCorps. 

So, what's the AmeriCorps? The AmeriCorps is very similar to the PeaceCorps, in the fact that it is also a service-oriented organization. The difference is that, while the PeaceCorps could send you all over the world hypothetically (and into potentially dangerous spots), the AmeriCorps is strictly based in the "states", and will only send you to places in America. Obviously, this doesn't eliminate the danger aspect, since there is the potential for danger all over, but it's a bit more comfortable of a situation (at least in my mind). So that's why I chose the AmeriCorps, but then there was the issue of picking the program that I wanted to get into. What to choose?

Why did I choose C.A.P.? CAP (Christian Appalachian Project) is mainly based out of Kentucky, Eastern Kentucky to be specific, one of the highest poverty-ridden regions in the country. I chose CAP because my mom mentioned it to me on Facebook. I was trying to find a program, and there were so many! CAP is based on 3 pillars: service, community, and spirituality. So, this year I will be learning how to better incorporate these terms into my everyday life. I'm currently living with 3 house mates: lovely ladies that I've already become friends with. I work in the food pantry down the road, as a case worker, helping participants pick up their supplemental food items, and getting to know their stories. 

Another thing is that Father Ralph Beiting was the one who created CAP, and ever since I was 8 or 9, he has been an inspiration to me. If you don't know who he is, look him up; talk about an incredible story! Anyway, he came to visit my church (Our Lady of the Sacred Heart), and did an incredible sermon. I came up to him after mass, and thanked him for the sermon. He asked me for my name and said, "Helena, I don't know what is going on in your life right now, but it is going to be okay. God is watching over you, and will take care of it." Needless to say, he made quite an impact on me, making me even more keen to go to Appalachia. And here I am! 😄

That's about it from me right now, if you want to know more about this organization, it's on Facebook at Christian Appalachian Project, or on instagram at chrisappproj . Until next time. 

Be kind to everyone (in the words of Ellen DeGeneres), and "have courage and be kind",
Len 😎

1 comment:

  1. Hi my little flower child, so glad DD sent out your blog info, I'll be following...
    God bless!
